Monday 11 June 2018

Design Report

Jem Southam - 20241057 
Design Report  
In the beginning of the project we were asked to create our own briefs, I had been thinking about my final project for quite a period of time. I knew from the beginning that I wanted to produce my comic that had been In development for a number of years. I had previously tried to create my comic in my second year, although it was created traditionally with fine liners and markers. I wanted to improve my comic as I could see that my style of drawing had improved since the first attempt, I also felt as though many things in the story needed to change, and so I continued to develop the story throughout this project.  
I had been inspired by several artists which made me want to pursue in creating this comic, I wanted to inspire others with my own work in the same way. Each comic I had read was made digitally, as most comics are now, and so I began using a new media – a graphics tablet (Cintiq). 
I started my project by introducing my existing main characters to my CSS, which he had then told me that my two main characters Alika (female) and Akila (male) were too similar in the way that their names are easy to confuse with one another. I agreed with his opinion although I did find it difficult to change one of the characters names, as they are the main characters and have existed for 8 years now. I felt too attached to the character Akila and so I changed his sisters name from Alika to Skye, which I thought fit her character very well.  
I researched young adult fiction stories and their main plots and found that most of them were about seeing the main character go through dramatic changes in their life as they progress into an adult. I decided that instead of my story starting when my main character Skye is already an adult, I should start it when she is being born, this way the reader can see how the characters change as they grow and feel a connection with them.  
My CSS had given me the idea to make a script for my story as most comic book writers do, I re-wrote my script twice as the first script ended with having 50 comic pages, which I thought was too many for me to be able to manage in the time that I had been given until the deadline. I altered the story line slightly as I had been given helpful feedback from my CSS that would make the story sound more interesting and hook the reader at an earlier point in the comic.  
I researched styles from my favorite movies such as the lion king, Balto and Brother Bear, as the backgrounds in these movies always look very attractive. I also researched environments in North America as my story is set in a similar environment, this helped me when creating my backgrounds for my comic.  
There were several times throughout this project were I felt as though I could not get my comic completed in time due to spending a lot of time writing the script and then re-writing it and having lots of changes to the story. I had asked my CSS if I could change my project to something that I thought I could achieve a lot easier than completing a whole comic. I wanted to change my idea to a concept art book for my comic, although my CSS disagreed with this request and said he believed that I could complete the comic and so I followed his advice and proceeded with the comic. 
One of my teachers gave me feedback on my character Skye, telling me that her hairstyle did not look great, and so I developed her again, although her end design did not look too different from where it started as I thought other hairstyles did not fit her character at all. 
I found it difficult to create the perfect front cover for my comic as I wanted it to be interesting and eye catching but also portray the story properly. I sketched out several designs which included one of Akila in silhouette, although this image portrays the character further on in the story when he becomes a villain, I had positive feedback on this sketch and so I followed through with this design. I wanted Skye to also be on the cover as she is the main character and so I sketched an idea of her in the center with her younger sister, walking in the wilderness with Akila in the background, although his identity is hidden but is later revealed to the reader in the comic. When I showed this design to my CSS he told me that the most interesting part of this design was just Akila on his own. I listened to his feedback and altered the design again, this time only having Akila as the main focus, I also altered the text of the cover as he was not happy with the text I had used. This time I hand wrote the text and tried to make the text looked distorted, as that is the title of the story. I added a key and a key hole to the lettering to show that it is of importance in the story, as it is a talisman that Akila wears. I also made everything greyscale aside from Akila's eyes and a red scratch mark through the text, I did this to make it look more dramatic, my CSS thought this looked a lot stronger than my first attempt. Even with the positive feedback I felt like there was still something missing and so I tried a new design from scratch, using the silhouette idea again but this time even more dramatic, I made it so that Akila's face was right in front of the viewer, glaring with his teeth showing and his red eye glowing. I also learned how to warp the text by rasterizing it first, I once again made everything greyscale as I thought it was very effective in my first attempt and also used red in the text again as well as Akila's eye. My peers thought that this was my strongest design although when it came to my presentation my teachers thought my second design was the strongest and not the third one and so I used to the second design as the final front cover.  
When working on the pages themselves, I found that it took a lot of time to complete one of them, I was very focused on making sure the page looked polished and spent a lot of time getting the colors and lines right. I found that it was taking me too long to complete one page as I would spend around two days just completing one page, this resulted in only ten of the thirty five pages being colored. I wanted to ensure that I had a full comic to read at the exhibition, otherwise creating the book would have been for nothing, and so I spent a lot of time creating the black and white pages, and learnt to get faster as I worked on them more. I found that drawing the characters traditionally and then going over a scanned image of the drawing on my graphics tablet sped up the process a lot more, I was able to complete 2 – 3 pages a day when using this method. 
When choosing where to print my comic, my CSS recommended a company named Blurb, which I used to order my 10 colored page comic which arrived on the 8th of June after ordering it on the 14th of May. I was disappointed when it arrived as the text on the bottom of the first page had been cut off, which means it was not use-able for the exhibition. After completing all 35 pages I was able to use the University's reprographics center to print the full comic and have it bound, I was very happy with the quality of this book and will be using it for the exhibition itself.  
Overall I am pleased with the outcome of my comic and I am glad that I could finish the story in time, although I would have liked the comic to be completely colored. I feel like my drawings are not up to their full potential throughout the comic as I did not feel as inspired when creating the comic as I did when I was doing it as a personal project, although I will take this experience as a learning curve and will proceed to re-create my comic again as a personal project in the future. I've learnt that comics take a lot of time and patience, it is not just the comic that you have to create, scripts, rough page layouts and all sorts of designs are needed in able to create a successful comic and I will be using this knowledge for future reference. 

Monday 14 May 2018

Graphic novel pages

Front cover designs for my novel

 Version 1: Top left: Akila, middle: Haku, right: Skye.
For this image I wanted to show that the novel isn't all doom and gloom, I wanted to show that the novel will be a fun read as well as dark and mysterious by showing Akila in the top left of the image. I used pinks and blue's for the sky to show happiness within the story and to contrast it with Akila as he is just in silhouette.

Feedback: For this attempt my CSS did not feel as though this was a strong design, he felt as though the strongest part of it was Akila in the top left and that I should just focus the cover on this section. My CSS also told me that he did not like the text and that I should try doing the text by hand to make it look more interesting.
 Version 2: Akila.

For this version I followed my CSS's advice and cropped the image down so that it was just Akila on the front cover, I altered the contrast and felt like the image worked better being black and white. I worked with the red in Akila's eye and used it again in the scratch on the text, I felt like this made the image stand out more. The purpose of the scratch in the text is to show that the story is not just a happy tale about talking wolves, but a story that includes violence too. I wanted the text to fit with the word 'distorted' and so I experimented with making the text look more slanted and warped. I wanted to incorporate Akila's key into the front cover some how to show that it plays a big part of the story, although I did not want to put it around Akila's neck, and so I worked with the writing, carving a key into the 'D' and changing the 'I' to a keyhole.

Feedback: My CSS felt that this cover was a lot stronger than the first attempt, although it still needed work. He liked the way I had produced the text but felt as though it wasn't 'designed' enough and didn't look professional. He thought the key hole for the 'I' was over working the text and suggested I look at existing texts and create my own version of it.
Version 3: Akila.

I looked at existing texts of the word 'distorted' and found some interesting results although I did not want to copy someone else's work and so I used an existing text from the program Clip studio paint and used some of the filters within the program to mis-shape the text. I used filters such as 'wave' and 'twist', which I feel work quite well. I originally had my name at the bottom of the page in a straight line, although it looked out of place to me, and so I warped it with the title.

For this design I still wanted to incorporate Akila's key into the front cover, although I did not like my second front cover design and so I started from scratch. I still wanted to use the silhouette idea to hide Akila's identity, although I did not want to hide it completely and so I changed the colour of his outline to a light grey, leaving the rest of him in silhouette aside from his eye. I wanted his red eye to stand out in a similar way to the previous design, with the eye coordinating with the text.

Monday 26 March 2018

Professional Practice Website

Experimenting with chalk

When using chalk to colour I found it very interesting to use, I was limited to using only 5-6 different colours within the packet and had to work with the materials I had. I enjoyed using chalk and was interested in the way the chalk blended together when using my finger to smudge it. I found that the chalk worked really well when outlined with pen.

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Concept art books

Image result for concept art bookImage result for concept art bookImage result for concept art bookImage result for concept art bookImage result for concept art bookImage result for concept art book for star wars
Image result for concept art book for star wars
Useful link, what is concept art:

Friday 9 March 2018

Practising digital backgrounds

For my graphic novel, I want the backgrounds to have a lion king feel to them, as the lion king is my main inspiration when it comes to my art style. Line-less backgrounds I feel work the best as it makes them look more attractive and fits the style of my graphic novel better than a background with line work on it would. I feel as though backgrounds are not my strong point and so I feel this background still needs a lot of work, although I have been studying tutorials on how to make backgrounds work well and have a better understanding of how to make them look better.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Professional Practice - Toy Design

Today we had to work as a group and come up with an idea for a toy that has the most minimal packaging possible or with packaging that could be recycled. The toy also had to be recyclable but have an on going use for it so that children would not get bored of it within a few weeks. The reason for the toy and its packaging being recyclable is due to the amount of toy waste found in landfill which aren't recyclable and are taking up unnecessary amounts of space which doesn't help the environment.

In our group of 4, my group came up with the idea for a weekly magazine made from cardboard which had cardboard parts in a sleeve within the magazine. The magazine would give information about recycling and show pictures of what other kids have made with the cardboard pieces within each weeks new pack. The cardboard pieces would be specific shapes with cut outs that could be slotted together to build something, for example a funky looking spaceship. The target audience is mainly boys of the age of 6 - 10 years old, although certain aspects of the design for example colouring and doodling on the bits of cardboard would be quite interesting for girls too. If you subscribe monthly to the magazine then you will get unique parts to add to your creations. There will also be step to step guide's inside showing kids what they could do with cereal boxes rather than just disposing of them but instead make furniture etc for their bigger creations provided by the magazine.

This activity was slightly difficult as we only had an hour to complete the task, although it was also enjoyable and out of our comfort zones as we had to design a toy, something a 3D modeller would usually do and we were quite successful when given feedback for our idea.