Tuesday 30 January 2018

Graphic novel art styles and layouts.

graphic novel layout - Google SearchStand Still. Stay Silent - webcomic, page 204World War One
트위터Dick Grayson as Batman in the 'Black Mirror'. Beautiful layout and panels by Jock
les-folies-bergere_08.jpg (801×1057)The process of a noir style comic book page.
Related imageImage result for little nightmares graphic novel
Image result for little nightmares graphic novelImage result for little nightmares graphic novel

Existing Graphic novels related to my theme: Wolves.

Off White by Akreon.

Image result for off white wolf comicImage result for off white wolf comic

Image result for off white wolf comicImage result for off white wolf comic
When trying to find comics/graphic novels that have the main characters as wolves, I found them difficult to find, Off-White was the first comic that I came across. The style of this comic is slightly realistic but still on the cartoon side, the backgrounds and the designs of the characters are attractive to look at, especially in the top right picture.

The Blackblood Alliance By Kay Fedewa.
Image result for the blackblood alliance
I first found this comic many years ago back when I was in High school, back then I did not read the comic, but I was very interested in the art style and the characters. Even the way the artist draws backgrounds drew me to her art work. Her style reminded me of Disney, which of course is my main inspiration for my art style, it also had a feel of anime to it, which I love.
Image result for the blackblood alliance
The panel lay outs of this comic are also interesting to look at. They fit with the movements of the characters and don't feel like they're smothering the art work.
Image result for the blackblood alliance
Image result for the blackblood alliance
Scandanavian Wolves by Rabbiata
Image result for scandinavian wolves comic
Scandanavian wolves is a traditionally drawn comic based on wolves, I personally love the art style and it shows a lot of improvement in style as you read further into the comic. The wolves are inspired by an anime style which is clearly shown in the wolves faces.